If you’re new to application development on GCP, we’ll show you two different approaches to build simple applications.
For a client
We were supporting an enterprise client in their rip and replace migration into the cloud. We built a simple and compelling application for them, making use of GCP best practices as much as possible. Tech stack spoiler: terraform, Java17, Spring Boot, Cloud Run, GCS, CloudSQL, Cloud Tasks and other GCP services
For ourselves
If you’re considering starting a relatively small project, and wondering what tools to choose to deliver quickly and efficiently, we’ll show you our recently started app: EMMA. EMMA is an in-house initiative for our employees supporting a variety of company processes. It is built on our preexisting choice of tools, combining them into a unified experience. Since EMMA is an internal tool, our development focus is on delivering value with relatively small effort. Tech stack spoiler: React, TypeScript, Material UI, Vercel, Firebase, GCP.
Google Cloud Budapest Meetup - AppDev on Google Cloud
Join us at the next Google Cloud Budapest meetup, where three Application Development experts from Aliz will share their experiences on Google Cloud.


Talk 1: AppDev basics on Google Cloud Platform (Gábor Motkó & Gergely Sipos)
17:30 - 17:50
Talk 2: Filling XFA PDF forms for fun and profit (Ármin Scipiades)
Have you ever wanted to fill PDF forms programmatically, using Java? No? Well, the problem did come up every four years in my career as a software developer, so I figured I'd share the solution with you. It may prove useful to some of you, someday, perhaps, in a somewhat bizarre set of circumstances.
We'll look at PDF manipulation tools, discard iText for being expensive, and use Apache PDFBox to fill forms, only to be utterly stumped by the horrid things called "XFA forms." We'll have a look inside the PDF format, and feel like superheroes for being able to fill out XFA forms as well.

Exclusive Google Cloud meetup in Budapest.

A cool presentation from an expert and a networking opportunity - pizza and beer are on us.

Free guarded parking.

Dog-friendly venue.

Arrival from 18:30, presentation starts at 19:00.

The event is free, but seats are limited.

Gergely Sipos
Frontend Architect

Gábor Motkó
Cloud Architect

Ármin Scipiades
Software Developer
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